Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 01 - Ten things about you.

  1. I'm scared of really scared of scary...
  2. I like food
  3. I really hate sharing food with people...If someone is eating and ask me if I want some I always say no. If it is from SisterDear, the Babe or the Kid it doesn't bother me much.
  4. I'm scared of driving
  5. I want to get married one day
  6. Growing up, every guy that I ever confessed my feelings to have always rejected me. Yay!!
  7. My favorite color is light blue
  8. I don't believe in love at first sight..or second...or third...
  9. When the clock hits 11:11 I wish for peace on earth...then realize that I have a better chance of my wish coming true by wishing for a few million dollars.
  10. I rarely watch tv or the news.

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