Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 06 - Ten items you can’t live without.

  1. LIP PALM!!!! If I don't have SOMETHING to put on my lips and they get to that stage of dryness, I started licking my lips. NON-STOP!!! I hate that >.<  So I don't leave the house house without it.
  2. TISSUE (to blow my nose)!!! I have...Allergies...the year long kind that makes me feel like I'm the only cursed soul in the world. If I'm out and I suddenly get a running nose, I simply HAVE to be able to blow my nose.
  3. MEAT. Alright...maybe not...I mean, I haven't " actually" tried to even live without it so not sure if I couldn't. I like meat, a lot.
  4. DEODORANT. I have a very strong nose. I can't stand the smell of must, yes, even if it is coming from me.
  5. A BOOK. The longest I ever went without reading was about 2 months. I can't even take a proper crap if I don't have SOMETHING to read.
  6. SOAP. How did people even do it back then when there wasn't any soap??! Just the thought of not being able to take a shower with soap makes me feel all grimy >.<
  7. PAIN KILLERS. hahahah teasing ;) Tylenol or Advil will do just fine. Although, I'm pretty sure that I'm immune  to them both =(
  8. LOTION. No one likes ashy skin
  9. COFFEE. I take mine with lots of cream and sugar. I may have a coffee addiction.
  10. Nothing else comes to mind.

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